It has been a really busy year for J. Mark Photography and we were able to take a very much needed Hawaiian vacation with our good friends, Steve and Sandy Hancock. Photography is not only our business, it is a passion. We wanted to share a few of the really great images that Mark captured. We started out on Oahu and visited Pearl Harbor. Regardless of your age, or interest in World War II, visiting the memorial is a somber and emotional experience. Then we explored the Missouri – nicknamed the Big Mo and big it is! Many people do not know the ship was retired after WWII and then brought back for Desert Storm updated with modern weapons.

We visited the volcano, Haleakala, to watch the sunrise and then took bicycles down. Technically, there is no work involved – you simply coast for miles and miles. Really fun!

We spent some lazy and relaxing days by the pool and playing in the ocean.
One adventurous day, we took the road to Hana. Along the way, we stopped to watch some crazy big waves, buy some fabulous banana bread and walk on a black sand beach. Another day, we drove south to see the a’a lave flow.

We went to the Feast of Lele luau – great entertainment wtih traditional Hawaiian food. We did try poi and can confidently say we don’t ever have to try it again. We had one of the most incredible meals ever at Mama’s Fish House.

We capped off the trip with an awesome helicopter tour and saw some spectacular waterfalls and scenery. It was a wonderful vacation with memories and …pictures to last a lifetime.

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