As photographers, we see it all. Recently, we have photographed some really fun weddings. It got me thinking, what was different? So, I decided to write a blog on obervations. Here are some simple things you can do to have fun at your wedding reception.
1. Get a good night's sleep the night before. With the excitement it is hard to do, but don't complicate things by staying up to late after your rehearsal dinner.
2. Limit alcohol consumption before the wedding. A champagne toast before the ceremony is nice; drinking the bottle will just put you to sleep! Be sure to eat something, too.
3. Wear or bring comfortable shoes. The bride and bridal party often wear wonderfully beautiful shoes that they can only tolerate for an hour or so. So remember, bringing a second pair of shoes that make your feet happy is a necissity!
4. Plan an exit strategy. Ask responsible friends and family members to help you by assigning them end-of-the-night duties, such as removing decorations, taking gifts to a pre-determined destination and settling up with the hall. Don't worry about the clean up.
5. Where you "are"; "is" where your guests will be. (I am not sure my English teacher would like that sentence structure - smile) If you are sitting, so will your guests. If you are dancing, so will your guests. Stay together as a couple.
6. Relax. Don't sweat the small stuff. I think that I mention this in every blog that I write. Keep your sense of humor on your wedding day.
7. Trust your DJ. A good DJ knows how to handle a reluctant crowd and build momentum with the music.
8. Weddings can have themes and that is fun. Backyard BBQ, Oscar night, oldies music, allow your reception to take on its own identity. Want pie instead of cake? Go for it.
9. Laugh in the FREE - J. Mark Photography Photo booth. We bring the props, you bring the guests. It is a blast!
10. Dance. Above all, have a great time at your party. Eat, socialize and meet
your spouse on the dance floor. Your fun mood is contagious, and guests will follow your lead.