We photographed Jonathan and Bria's wedding a couple of years ago and nothing is better than being asked to be their baby's first professional photographer! Mark stayed in Austin to meet with some brides, while I traveled to Baltimore, Maryland for this itty-bitty-baby session. Ryleigh was 14 days old and such a sweet baby girl. She looks a great deal like her daddy, but sure does have some of her mommy - like the most perfect ears. Not really visible when sleeping, but she has some cute dimples just like her Aunt Elizabeth. Grammy Karen was my assistant while Bria ventured out to Baby-R-Us and then got a nap. Ryleigh tolerated all the posing and moving pretty well, but she put down her foot when we asked her to lay on her daddy's cold guitar! So she got him back when we put her on his back for some of our last photographs... it was really pretty funny. Let just say, Jonathan got to take a shower when we were done!