Becky and Sony had a royally blue wedding! The ceremony was held in the beautiful First Protestant Church in New Braunfels with 7, yes count them 7, attendants on each side! Becky and Sony have been a joy to work with and they had a great wedding and reception. The families are long time residents of New Braunfels and finding a place for 350 guests probably was a huge challenge. A bit about this couple, Becky is an Aggie and both are huge fans. She is a physical therapist and loves sporting events of all types. Sony is the proud owner a sleek black pick-up truck and Sony's Garage Doors... we are not sure which he is more proud of! The couple danced the night away, departed at 11 and had to be in San Antonio at 4 am for a flight to Maui. That is one way to insure you sleep on a plane. We hope that they had a wonderful honeymoon!